'Great oaks from little acorns grow'
At Oakington C of E Primary School...
We strive for excellence, encouraging all children to reach their full potential and make accelerated progress through high expectations, ensuring we know each child as an individual. We endeavour to provide safe, stimulating learning environments, promoting collaboration whilst being immersed in a broad, dynamic curriculum and inclusive Christian ethos.
"For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them..."
Romans 12: 4-6
Our values help us to remember what is important and how we can live our lives so that we build each other up and become positive leaders in our school and beyond.
G - Generosity - A willingness to give help or support, more than is expected.
R - Respect - To treat someone or something with kindness and care.
A - Ambition - A strong desire to fulfil your potential and achieve excellence.
C - Courage - An ability to control fear or worry in a difficult situation.
E - Empathy - The ability to share someone else’s feelings by understanding their situation.
The values represented in GRACE are attributes of a society of which we want to be a part. Living out these values not only helps us to achieve academic success, but also helps cultivate positive characteristics and a harmonious and supportive community.
We know that making the right choices each day can be difficult, so we believe that teaching you these values will give you the guidance you need to live a GRACE full life.
At Oakington C of E Primary School, every member of our community has the right:
We therefore have the responsibility to make sure we do not take away any of these rights.
Oakington C of E Primary School
Tel: 01223 232328
Email: office@oakington.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Julie Burling, Office Administrator
E-mail: office@oakington.cambs.sch.uk
School Address:
Water Lane
CB24 3AL
DEMAT Office Address:
Grace Building
8 High Street
Tel: 01353 656760
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