Our aim is to bring the best out of every pupil that attends Oakington
Attendance is monitored in 6 week periods. If a child's attendance falls below 96%, we may have a concern about their progress. We will be in touch with families whose children may be struggling to maintain a good attendance and look at ways we can support to help improve attendance. Our family support worker may also work with these families.
If your child is absent from school, please telephone (01223 232328) on the first day of absence before 9.30am, giving a reason for the absence.
If your child has been absent from school for a day or more, please send in a note when they return, stating the reason for absence. If your child has been poorly, a specific reason is preferable rather than just saying your child was unwell. It does help us to know this information as we can then see the bigger picture on an individual, class and school basis - e.g. it helps us to see if there is a particular illness prevalent.
If the reason for illness/absence is confidential, please do state this and mark for the attention of Mr Clark in the first instance.
Attendance is monitored in 8 week periods. If a child's attendance falls below 96%, we may have a concern about their progress. We will be in touch with families whose children may be struggling to maintain a good attendance and look at ways we can support to help improve attendance. Our family support worker may also work with these families.
Registration 08:45 – 09:00
Guided Reading / Phonics 09:00 – 09:30
Session 1 09:30 – 10:30 / 10:45
BREAK 10:30 / 10:45 – 10:45 / 11:00
Session 2 10:45 / 11:00 – 12:15
LUNCH 12:15 – 13:10
Registration 13:10 – 13:15
Session 3 13:15 – 14:10
Session 4 14:10 – 15:10
HOME 15:10 (EYFS & KS1) or 15:15 (KS2)
Breakfast Club 07:30 – 08:45
After-school Club 15:15 – 18:00
Our school day amounts to 32.5 hours per week.
Attendance is based on a child being at school in time for the morning register as well as the afternoon register so being marked present for 2 sessions a day.
Both these sessions count towards their overall attendance figure which is simply a percentage of how many sessions your child has been present throughout the current academic year.
The only reasons a child will be marked as present when they are not in school are if they are being educated at a different location, or at a school event such as residential or sporting.
There are a variety of different reasons that a child may be absent from school and the school will assign an appropriate code on the register to make staff aware of the reason.
Absence from school can be authorised for the following reasons:
Medical appointments
Illness where the school has been notified by phone or in writing
Religious observance
NOTE: An authorised absence is still recorded as the child not being in school and will have a negative effect on their attendance figure.
Absence from school will be unauthorised in all other circumstances unless deemed to be ‘exceptional’ by the Headteacher. This does not apply to term-time holidays, which will always be unauthorised. Please fill in the form above.
Please see the information below, from the Local Authority, regarding unauthorised term time leave.
Any parent who takes a child out of school for term time leave of more than 6 consecutive sessions over a 4 week period, not authorised by the school (under exceptional circumstances rule), may receive a Penalty Notice. Such cases will have to be supported by evidence of previous unauthorised term time leave (more than 6 consecutive sessions over a 4 week period) taken in the last 3 years and evidence of parents being warned about a potential Penalty Notice.
Children’s learning in school is based on a build up of skills and knowledge.
This build up is continually planned by teachers on a day to day basis. Children that miss one session could miss out on a potentially important session and although every effort is made to catch children up when they return, this is usually not as effective and takes time away from the rest of the class.
If children miss out on a number of sessions this can significantly affect their overall progress.
Children that are away from school on a regular basis can miss out on opportunities to build strong friendships and can sometimes find it harder to build strong friendships within school
Oakington C of E Primary School
Tel: 01223 232328
Email: office@oakington.cambs.sch.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Julie Burling, Office Administrator
E-mail: office@oakington.cambs.sch.uk
School Address:
Water Lane
CB24 3AL
DEMAT Office Address:
Grace Building
8 High Street
Tel: 01353 656760
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